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Lac Notre-Dame and Usher Lake Association

2021 Annual General Meeting of the Lac Notre Dame and Usher Lake Association


Annual General Meeting - Online via Zoom, August 21, 2021, 10:00 am

Mandate of the association: “to promote, protect and preserve the quality of Lac Notre Dame and Usher Lake and the watershed environment of the Lakes to ensure their continued use and enjoyment by all”.

Constitution of the meeting - quorum based on registered members

Lisa Fast, president, opened the meeting.
By the time of the meeting, 44 members had paid their membership fees. 14 members joined the online meeting. Quorum requires at least 25% of members be present - so quorum was reached. Bylaws require that only members who've paid the $10 fee can vote.

Move to open the meeting by: Lisa Fast

Seconded by:Robert Boucher

Approval of previous year’s minutes

Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting meeting were approved.

  • Special thanks to Carolle Perras for her volunteer work last year walking around to add many new members to the association.

Moved by:Lisa Fast

Seconded by: Don Herweyer

Approve agenda for 2021 meeting

  • Financial report
  • Water Testing and water levels report
  • Board report on 2019-2021
  • Current board and election of new board members
  • Develop and vote on proposed program for 2021 -2022
  • Members Open Issues and questions -

Moved by: Lisa Fast

Seconded by: Bryan Watkinson

Financial Report

Presented by Brian Cook, treasurer for the fiscal year 2020 - 2021


  • The Lake Association has accounts with Desjardins and at June 30, 2021 the chequing account balance was $2,029 and the savings account was $3,133
  • During the fiscal year we had a high number of annual membership fees and donations totalling $980 ($670 from 67 memberships and $230 in donations)
  • The primary expenses related to $696 for independent water testing at various locations around the lake, and $740 for purchase of additional yellow buoys and heavier anchors to identify areas with a high concentration of Milfoil plant growth and to prevent motor boats from going through this part of the lake. (The $740 was payable at June 30th from the balance noted above).

Move to accept Treasurer’s report: Bryan Watkinson

Seconded by: Dave Hayward

Your membership fees support the following:

  • Water testing approximately $600 per year
  • Buoys and signs (not every year)
  • Awareness - tip cards (not every year)
  • Reserve funds to prepare for potential invasive species or milfoil surge; consultation with experts like ABV-7
  • Quebec non-profit corporation fees ($35/year)
  • Domain name and hosting fees for the web site ($40.00)

Water testing report

Water testing report presented by Lisa Fast

  • Thank you to Carole Doré and Rejean Vaillant for their continued volunteer work on water testing. Water testing samples on Lac Notre Dame were collected August 3rd and from Usher August 9th.
  • The annual Water testing report is updated with detailed test results. Brief summary here:
  • At Lac Notre Dame: Phosphorus and nitrogen levels are higher than usual, due to all the heavy rain this year running into the lake. These levels could mean we'll have heavier milfoil and algaei next year, as these nutrients feed the weeds and algae. Water clarity is also reduced.
  • Preventing erosion & septic maintenance should be a priority - lake members should naturalize their shore lines to hold the soil and prevent erosion from boat wakes. On a more positive note, E-Coli levels were better this year, with only 1 location above the target level.
  • At Usher: High nitrogen and phosphorus levels as well at Usher, and e-Coli levels higher than target levels as usual, although not as high as previous years.

Water level report

  • In 2019, the board agreed to develop a better understanding of the changing water levels and the interaction with milfoil growth and lake health (high water levels tend to reduce milfoil but risk erosion and damage to trees on the shoreline) and water quality (high water can cause erosion & nutrient input, and risks septic contamination).
  • There are now 2 beaver lodges with beavers damming at the outlet, with resulting fluctuating water levels whenever there were heavy rains and/or parts of the dam were removed. In mid-August 2021, they are higher than in mid-August 2018 and 2019.
  • We met with one of the property owners at the outlet, and discussed his long-time beaver management work, and new constraints. We agreed to help with the process of managing the dam (not removing - managing) rather than attempting to eradicate the beavers, since they always return. 2 volunteers have stepped forward, so we have passed those names on to him so they can work with him in partially removing the dam on a periodic basis.
  • Lisa began tracking water levels in photographs, understanding historical levels and capturing levels in greater detail in 2020: Water level report
  • MRC des Collines called back, they could get involved, give us options, Jane has name of person there.

Board report on program that had been planned for 2019-2021

  • Plan for replacement buoys: Brian Cook arranged for the purchase and placement of 40 new yellow buoys this summer. There are areas that may need more, and we plan to purchase new/more signs. Boats are clearly cutting through the weeds, as many cuttings are floating in the water.
  • Jane: creating route for motorboats vs marking high points, high points need to be marked, island shallower side is high, motorboats going through that pinch point
  • Can boats even comply with the Transport rules for wakes and speed at that pinch point
  • Could buoy it off or offer that people could go cut the weeds, will put all the traffic on the other side of the island, sign to SLOW DOWN instead of closing it down, plan volunteer weekend to cut
  • More buoys should be purchased and placed with signs - in areas with high boat traffic
  • Lots of milfoil is close to shore, no point says Don
  • Blue Green Algae Plan: monitoring is underway - several people have sent photos and jar tests were performed. It turns out there is a LOT of common green algae this year due to the rain. Members are asked to watch and contact Lisa at if they see a blue or green slick on the surface.
  • Additional funding: a letter was sent to the municipality requesting funding similar to that received by other lake associations for environmental work. We expect to receive a cheque for $400 although it has not arrived yet.
  • Boater lake education action plan - sorry, we are behind on this. Don did send a proposed pamphlet, but Lisa hasn't made it into a hand-out and put a copy on line. Members suggested reduced wake zones, speed limits and avoidance of the buoys.

Move to accept the board and water testing report: Lisa Fast

Seconded: Jane Hayward

Current board and election of new members

The Board meets 3-4x times per year plus the AGM.

  • Dave Hayward, member.
  • Bryan Watkinson, member (Usher Lake)
  • Don Herweyer, member.
  • Brian Cook, treasurer.
  • Lisa Fast, President (elected July 2018)
  • Robert Boucher, Vice-president
  • Erin Jamison (Usher Lake representative) - Bryan will ask
  • Marie Maisonneuve, member
  • Graeme Simpson - NEW MEMBER

Any changes? Voted in Graeme Simpson

Members open issues

Proposed Association program for 2021-2022

  • Sign idea for island - Slow down, reduce your wake Max $1000, voted, accepted
  • Sign - will take up with Municipality and other lake association, might need to spend some money on these - meeting being arranged
  • Blue-green algae monitoring
  • Milfoil risk is increased - found old photos from 2002/2004 of mats covering large areas of the lake - more buoys
  • Shoreline restoration - education - little card - starting with not mowing to the edge, 3 foot swath - maybe an existing card
  • More milfoil buoys and strategy for placement - signs?
  • Boater education? SIGNS are the focus

Moved by: Dave Hayward

Seconded by: Lisa Fast

Move to adjourn

Moved by Robert Boucher

Seconded by Bryan Watkinson